This record came in tag with Ulver's "Wars of the Roses" vinyl (which is fucking phenomenal and will never reach this blog because it's staying mint). OSI is Kevin Moore of Chroma Key and Jim Matheos of Fates Warning. This 3-song sampler features remixes of songs that came off of their "Free" full-length, I believe. Two are done by Keving Moore, himself. But the epic 10-minute remix of "Go" is remixed by Console, aka Martin Gretschmann of The Notwist, one of my favorites. So check it out. If you like what I like, you'll love it (at least the Console track).BUYBORROW
This is weird and I can't entirely back it. But when you are a guitar virtuoso like Mick Barr and everything else has been done already, I guess there's no excuse not to. Barr is better known for Behold...the Arctopus, Byla, and Krallice, a great black metal project. I got this LP at the latter's show.BUYBORROW
It may not have "Hellbent for Leather" or "Turbo Lover," but it's Priest for chrissakes. BUY BORROW
This is the real deal.BUYBORROW
Featuring Flava Flav. It's always weird for me to think that many people don't know about musical celebrities in the way that I remember them as a kid. To me, Flava Flav was some crazy rapper who wore a clock around his neck--not some burn-out that fell in love with that man from Red Sonja. When I talk about Ozzy, I think about Black Sabbath. I think about him screaming about the dark service, not complaining about cat piss. And in my mind, Axel Rose never looked like a professional wrestler. BUY
I was scared the first time I heard this. It falls somewhere between SunnO)))) and The Beach Boys. BUY BORROW
This is pretty interesting. Henry Clay: On the War of 1812 Charles Sumner: The Crime Against Kansas -both read by Vincent Price Plus, The Gettysburg Address as read by poet, Carl Sandburg.BUY BORROW
It's just like The Beatles, but not as good. I don't know what the fucking point of this record is. Something mundane, I'm sure.BUYBORROW
Man, do you love Black Sabbath?!Yea? Then skip this album...BUYBORROW
If you own a turntable and don't own this album, somebody is going to tell you that you have a problem.BUYBORROW
This is for Jamie, because we never actually got off the ground with our Fleetwood Mac ambient cover project.BUYBORROW
Hellz yea, brother.
Track 1 is "Rock Band Theme Song."
Some nice synth-based experimental stuff. This is a precursor to current synth bands like Zombi. Give it a try. Vangelis is also credited for the Blade Runner soundtrack.BUYBORROW
Recorded at Tyrannosaurus Records, Burlington, CTBUY BORROW
This is "For the Workforce, Drowning," Thursday's only good song. And Thrice totally sucks.BUYBORROW
This will be inexpendable to your summertime jam list. Basie = BAMF.BUYBORROW
There's no excuse not to have this.BUY
This is fuckin' neat! Great for drinking a big goblet of Belgian ale and wolfing down 'wursts and 'kraut!BUYBORROW
SIDE 1: ThrillerSIDE 2: Thriller (Instrumental)Taken from the epic LP "Thriller"I found this, the full-length of Thriller, Off The Wall, and four full-length "The Jacksons" albums at a Salvy's two weeks after His death. My brother gave me the Jackson 5 debut for my birthday about a year before His passing, too. That will eventually be up here.BUYBORROW
"This album is a truthful recording of Ten Years After with no overdubs or additives. What you hear is what happened on the night. Recorded over four nights in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Frankfurt and Paris with The Rolling Stones' mobile recording truck and later mixed from sixteen track to stereo at Olympic Studios in London. In answer to the inferior live recordings sold illegally: this is the official Ten Years After bootleg." ME: Hey Dave, you ever heard Ten Years After?CRAZY DAVE (my neighbor): YEA man! Dude! You know Paul McCartney? Well me and Paul McCartney have the same birthday, except I was born ten years after him--TEN YEARS AFTER! And I can remember the first time I heard the Beatles in my dad's basement, and ten years after THAT was Woodstock! You're too young, you probably didn't go to Woodstock. Neither did I. I was watching this other UK band play their first US show--LED ZEPPELIN. They were fuckin' GROOVY! blah, blah, blah, this conversation actually lasted about 3 hours.BUY BORROW
In the masses of Pink Floyd fans, there are two schools: The Gilmour School, and the Waters School. I'd have to say that I have an ongoing matriculation in the Gilmour School.
This is Gilmour's second solo album.
When I'm too old to flip records on my own, I just want "Cruise" playing in the background, wherever I go.BUYBORROW
What it is.BUYBORROW
What can really be said about a classic of this magnitude? "Welcome to the Machine" is definitely (almost definitely) my second favorite Floyd track.BUYBORROW
Original, year 2000 Escape Artist pressing.
It's weird and stupid, but disc 1 is 33rpm and disc 2 is 45...Just so you know.
This is just tremendous!BUYBORROW
Title says it all.BUYBORROW
This is disc 4 of 4, even though the label says it's part 3, like I've said, not the first time stoner metal producers have overlooked a detail or two. Clear vinyl. Everyone knows yellow vinyl sounds the best but clear and green marble are definitely tied for second place.BUYBORROW
Side 1 is awesome, Side 2 is "Echoes."BUYBORROW
Another band featured on Dave Rabbit's First Termer Radio recording. This is also the first recording of Joe Walsh's discography. BUYBORROW
This type of recording warrants a vinyl pressing, flat out.
AWESOME tech metal. I saw these guys once with Necrophagist and Cattle Decapitation and they were tighter than I'd anticipated, total D&D nerds, too.This is a special edition pressing that contains the original 10-song album on one record plus a bonus 7" with three tracks, limited to 1000 copies. One of those tracks can be found on the digital album on iTunes but tracks 12 and 13 are particular to this pressing and after finally hearing them, I've concluded that this was a wise purchase.
This is a great recording, only available on vinyl. McDowell embodies the classic "old black guy on a porch with a guitar" motif beautifully. There was also a Kids in the Hall skit based off of his persona.BUYBORROW
This is a live ISIS show recorded in Stockholm, Sweden. I saw one leg of this tour when they played The Hillel at UConn, Storrs. "Carry" was tighter than a Chipotle burrito!Like with the S&G album, something fucked up happened during the ripping so it's one hour and five track. I'll list the start times of each song. Sorry. The performance is a little shot so I'm going to include the liner notes that explain the predicament:"This IS a professional live recording, unlike the previous installment of our live series. It was recorded at our live show in Stockholm, Sweden on March 19th, 2003 for broadcast on Swedish radio. This is certainly not the best set we ever played (there are audible mistakes, two members of the band were sick, we were nervous knowing that the show was being recorded for a radio broadcast), but it is one of the best recorded live sets we have in our possession, and serves as a good document of that particular tour. It is also a special recording for us as it showcases the live collaboration between members of ISIS and 27, who were our touring partners on this particular jaunt. Maria and Ayal joined us on stage every night of that tour, and it was ALWAYS the highlight of the set for us, and something we will always remember with great pleasure. Thanks to the following people for their help with this recording, the show it came from, and the production of this release: Greg Moss, all of 27, Nenne and the rest of the Swedish radio crew, Tim/Switchblade, Mike/TMU, Paul Jeffrey, Nick Zampiello, and Ipecac Recordings. This vinyl edition of this record was pressed in a one time run of 1000 copies, Courtesy of TMU. The CD version was produced as a one time run of 1000 copies by the band itself....."When I saw this tour, "Maria and Ayal" did not join in on stage. I was pissed that Maria didn't step up for "Weight" because I thought that her voice would have been perfect. Now that I hear this recording, I'm glad she stayed in the background. Not to say that this recording is bad, whatsoever. But it's not something that you would give to someone to get them into ISIS.i. from sinking [00:00]ii. glisten [11:11]iii. carry [18:18]iv. weight [25:35] so close!v. the beginning and the end [38:38]iv. celestial (ext./alt. version)[48:48]Note: I know as well as you do that there are not two track iv's, but that's exactly how the record is labeled. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that typos are overlooked on stoner metal records.You're only going to find this one on eBay, so search for it.BORROW
TO SET UP/ CALIBRATE/ CHECK OUT YOUR QUADRAPHONIC SYSTEMThis record consists of various "pink noise" and pitches of varying frequencies to make sure that each of your channels are working properly. There is also a track that will determine which articles and possessions in your room may be rattling during certain frequencies. This is really rad. Granted, it doesn't fully serve its purpose unless used hard copy in your home but it has some awesome voice samples. And if you've ever wanted to hear pink noise, that's here, too.I have no idea where to find this online, you can just have mine.
These guys were featured on the one lasting recording of Dave Rabbit's. If you're unfamiliar with Dave Rabbit, the Vietnam pirate radio DJ, then you're in for a treat! DL it here: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4. Taken from Radio First TermerBUYBORROW
I'd still like to hear the Ravi Shankar, George Harrison collaboration, if anyone has it.
I did, in fact, listen to this while it ripped.
Definitely purchased this at Relapse in Philly.
Ever seen "Duets?"
If you like this, stay tuned for when I make a post on Mississippi Fred McDowell.
Apparently, George was in a different band before he joined George Harrison but I can't find anything on that band. They were probably bad. This album is great.
This is my personal favorite from this band.
If it's too slow, you're too happy.
The software I use to rip these albums is not user friendly, not even user-acquaintanced. As a result, this whole album is ripped as one audio track. Sorry."The Sound of Silence" starts at 13:25, for your FYI.
Side 1: Psychologically Ultimate Seashore - It's like listening to a Sharper Image mood maker of ocean's waves with faint hisses and pops of the warm vinyl in the background. This is awesome.Side 2: Optimum Aviary - Birds are fucking annoying.